Accessibility and inclusivity resources for play and physical activity

Being inclusive in your practice and providing accessible play opportunities encourages all children to get involved. It is important to celebrate everyone’s abilities and have conversations with children about disability and ways to be inclusive.

  • Get children to think of ways they can include other people in their games and modify what they are doing so others can join in.
  • Read a story that shares the challenges and strengths of people with varied abilities
  • Organise a game or activity which challenges children’s sense or movement. For example a blindfolded scavenger hunt or seated games or balancing with eyes closed.

For more information on inclusive practice go to:

Reimagine Australia

Reimagine Australia, formerly known as Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA), has been the leading Australian body for early childhood outcomes for young children with a developmental delay or a disability and their families, since 1986. The website offers a range of resources and guidelines for early childhood educators, as well as families.

Reimagine Australia website

Early Childhood Australia

Early Childhood Australia are the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field. They have a range of resources on inclusion in early childhood education and care available on their website.

Early Childhood Australia Website - Inclusion resources

AllPlay Learn

AllPlay Learn helps to create inclusive education environments for children and young people with developmental challenges and disabilities through practical online information, courses and resources for educators, as well as information and resources for parents, children and the community.

AllPlay Learn early childhood Website

Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)

Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is the national peak body which represents children and young people (aged 0-25) with disability. They are a not-for-profit community organisation and the early childhood section of their website provides a range of resources for early education and care settings.

CYDA Website -  early childhood resources

Community Early Learning Australia

Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) is a peak body for Australia’s early childhood education sector. Their website includes some useful resources on  inclusive play in early learning environments.

CELA  Website -  promoting inclusive play in early learning environments